Monday, March 26, 2012

beach day

we took a beach day.
beach day by sassyladybug
beach day, a photo by sassyladybug on Flickr.

see, we've had this unseasonably warm winter, where i've enjoyed heading out without a coat. and then in march we had these high temperatures, and on the first day of spring i was wearing flip flops and a skirt. its been unbelievable, and i'm enjoying it. truthfully i'm expecting a massive amount of snow next winter, and so i'll gladly take what we have now.
crack is whack by sassyladybug
crack is whack, a photo by sassyladybug on Flickr.

so we headed to the beach. it was one of those spur-of-the-moment decisions. you know the kind - like when you are driving by dairy queen and the thought of a blizzard pops in your mind, and you have to make a quick decision because turning around would be more effort than you are willing to give. i had approximately 30 minutes to decide and pack our bags. a quick call to chris and getting the okay to drive the hour to the beach was all i needed. we had been out all morning, and so with christian asleep in the car, i threw things in the cooler and beach bag, all the while feeling that flutter of excitement that a special adventure brings.
resting by sassyladybug
resting, a photo by sassyladybug on Flickr.

and oh my, what an adventure. it truly was one of those special days where i felt content with life, content with my boys as they played together. people nearby on the beach were friends instead of strangers as they engaged the boys and smiled at their antics. i find that sometimes i plan and plan something that i have envisioned will be the most exciting time with my children, and yet it doesn't turn out that way. my anticipation turns to frustration as the boys fight. i try to get things prepared and my hopes of a nice time are dashed by the sound of my own voice increasing in volume as i yell and holler at them to simply behave.

i have to remember that it is in the spur of the moment adventures that we are content. nothing fancy, just us. the look of surprise on the boys' faces as we pulled up to the beach. the warm sun and light breeze on my shoulders. oreo crumbs on their lips and sand in their hair.

i do love the summer, and all the fun that usually comes along. however, summer is often like those trips that i plan and plan and fail. and so, on this little day in march, we had a beach day. nothing planned. a warm day that acted as a gift to us.

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